Twitter is one of the most powerful social media tool. You can have an “One Line Bio” to describe yourself. But unfortunately, the “One Line Bio” is limited to maximum 160 characters. So, creative Twitter users started to use Twitter backgrounds to add more information about themselves.
In this post you will find 52 cool and creative twitter backgrounds.Hopefully this collection will be a good source of design inspiration for you.

Which one is your favorite? Please share with us, Comment Us.
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I thank you for your article.
I followed these links and found, that you don’t actually have to pay to get cool Twitter backgrounds. I found many web pages, which also offer cool and interesting design for Twitter and you can get them for free.
I hope that this will help you and the readers of this blog. Thank you again and I encourage you to write even more articles like this. They inspire a lot!
Here is the link to article an article, which I wrote
Really Cool Background Designs….! Just what any website developer needs…! Thanks for inspire….!
Wow, nice collection of custom Twitter Backgrounds here and lots of new ones I haven’t seen before, thanks for sharing them 🙂
You can see the full background with a click using |
.-= peekr´s last blog ..peekr: @CamillaDowns Huge thank you for the mention and the endorsement! Happy New Year and the kids are super cute 😀 =-.