How to Create Vintage Photo Effect Photoshop Tutorial

In this tutorial we are going to create Vintage Photo Effect. This is very simple and quite effective tutorial, so all you need is Adobe Photoshop to create this effect. I hope you will enjoy this tutorial.


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Step #1

Open the image in Photoshop. For example I’m using this image. Here you can download from Here


Step # 2

First we will apply color balance. go to Image > Adjustments > Color Balance (CTRL+B) and apply these values


Your Image Should Look Like This


Step # 3

Now Create a new layer (CTRL + SHIFT + N) and fill the colour #DCE354


Next change the Blending mode at Multiply and set the Opacity at 75%

Your Image Should Look Like This


Step #4

Now Create a new layer (CTRL + SHIFT + N) and fill the colour #111842


Next change the Blending mode at Lighten, set the Opacity at 40% and fill at 55%

Your Image Should Look Like This


Step #5

Next we will add some texture.Open the Textures in Photoshop. For example I’m using this Texture. Here you can download from Here


Here is the way i do it.


Next change the Blending mode at Overlay, set the Opacity at 65%.


Step #5

Final Step now back to the image layer we will apply some filter. Go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects

Here is the way i do it.


Final Result


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14 thoughts on “How to Create Vintage Photo Effect Photoshop Tutorial

  1. Wow these all pics are really awesome!I love all this images.I love to do image editing in photoshop and I have done this one also.Its so nice.I will share this information with my friends also.Thanks.

    jeux wii

  2. Hey this is a great tutorial! Thanks much for posting this — I’m going to pass this to some of my design friends.

  3. Thanks, this is really great and easy to follow, but do I have to go through every step with all the pictures I would like to use this on? Or can I somehow save the layers?

    Thank you 🙂

  4. how do you fill a layer with colour? at step 3
    what do you click?
    sorry, I’m a noob..

  5. Thanks , all those photoshop tutorials picture are very fantastic .working on a project and you have just saved me some time creating effects owns of my project.

  6. Hi! As Amanda asked earlier.. how the heck do i change the color of the layer? Im using cs5 and i just cant seem to find the right button to click. *going insane* argh

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