Create an Beautiful Box Icon in Photoshop

Hey guys one more Photoshop tutorial around here, now in this time i will show you how to create an box icon in Photoshop.This is very simple and effective technique. I hope you will enjoy this tutorials.

Here’s the effect we’re going for:


Step# 1

Open photoshop and create a new document, mine is 567×464px with a white background.


Step# 2

Select the rectangle tool make sure you’ve got those options selected.


Make a rectangle, name the layer front.


Step# 3

Now Fill the rectangle with #af915b

Step# 4

Apply a inner shadow for your rectangle box.

The rectangle should look like this.


Step# 5

Make new layer the name of new layer is top and select pen tool, Place it on top of the original rectangle then select the Free Transform Tool Ctrl+T, now reduce the height and go to Edit – Transform – Perspective and move one the top corner inside till you have a box shape.

Step# 6

Now Fill the top layer with #e1cea4

Your Box look like this


Step# 7

Apply a inner shadow for your top layer box.


Step: 8

Create black line on the new layer and reduce the opacity 40% duplicate this black line, move it one step back and reduce the opacity 20%.

Step# 11

Create a white stripe on the top, select the Free Transform Tool Ctrl+T and right click select Perspective then pull one top corner inside. Now select the Pen Tool and create white stripe and place the shape under,select the Free Transform Tool Ctrl+T and right click select Perspective then pull second bottom corner inside. merge these two layer and reduce the opacity 40%.

The box should look like this.


Step# 12

Select text tool and type text on front.

Now apply some effect


Inner Shadow

Drop Shadow

Final Preview


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4 thoughts on “Create an Beautiful Box Icon in Photoshop

  1. Pingback: Create an Beautiful Box Icon in Photoshop | Web Design Updates

  2. This tutorial would have been better as a video tut. It’s not for the novices. You don’t provide enough information for a novice to do the tutuorial. I am not good enough with perspective to re ctreate what you are asking.

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