30 Big Backgroud websites for Design Inspiration

We have collection of big background websites. This post is a showcase of more than 30 websites using large background images. Large background image can create the stunning visual effect, especially for high resolution monitors. It can also add more life to your site design compared to the traditional tiled background graphic. Here is a collection of 30 websites that used large image as the site background (must-see, you won’t be disappointed).
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15 Beautiful Black & White Websites

Black & White doesn’t have to be boring. Monochromatic color schemes can be used with just about any color, but some of the most striking are in black & white. By cutting out color a website relies more heavily on other design elements – such as layout or typography, etc..

So here’s your daily dose of inspiration…15 extremely well-done Black & White websites… Continue reading

20 Websites with Beautiful Typograhy

I have spent the last month searching, stumbling, noting, bookmarking and analyzing in a quest to find 20 Excellent examples of Web Typography. I’ve chosen them because they make excellent use of type. Some of the examples mimic the typography of print, while others actually leverage web technology, smart CSS and delicious HTML to make their pages not only aesthetically pleasing, but legible, user-friendly and easily navigable.

In this collection, you’ll find a variety of sites that showcase creative and functional uses of typography. Continue reading

10 Useful Sites for Web Designers

We are always looking to come up with the post that is attractive and useful for everyone. We most of the time focuses on the designer, developer’s resources and where anything is going to launch free of cost. There are countless designer’s and developers free resources available which everyone should review at least once. In this post I have collected 10 Most Useful Free Websites For Designers And Web Developers. Continue reading