Developer’s paradise sites of the week for june 18th 2009

Developer’s paradise sites of the Week is a weekly roundup of the most outstanding website designs. In this week’s collection, we have designs from Daddy design, Design hippy, Samsys, southern media, and Huxley prairie fest

Daddy design

Daddy Design is an web design agency from South Florida who build websites. the daddy design website features a mix of two colors, good use of including gradient and its monochromatic website

Design hippy


An awesome, dark color scheme, along with huge typography effect in the design hippy website .

Southern media


The vector characters on the southernmedia website, mix of bright colours and huge typography, beautiful sliding effect in the header.


sam-sys boasts a detailed and intricate header illustration with aplenty of bright colours  and flowing lines.

Huxley prairie fest

huxleyprairiefest is a bunch of colourful illustration and a mix of paper textures, beautiful flash header and beautiful sliding effcet in the header

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